Play as opposed to game
: Play is unpredictable activities conducted within constraints of a game.
“Play and game seem to be opposite, as one suggests free-form creativity; the other, rules.”
—David Graeber (2016), The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy, New York: Melville House, 190.
“In sports, people make things uniform and the same every time…
so that what they can showcase is the skill of athletes or the skill of the chess player.”
—Sarah Perry (2019), “How to See Voids,” Refactor Camp 2019: Escaping Reality, Retrieved from https://youtu.be/py50NCqEztY
“By knowing what the rules are, or the limits, you seem to get a better sense of the possibilities… You look for all the possibilities of freedom within those restrictions, and you play them out.”
—Armand Mevis and Linda van Deursen (2005), Recollected Work, Amsterdam: Artimo, 161.